Information for Persons with Disabilities Regarding the Use of the FRIKAR e-bike:

Reduced Function in Arms: For individuals with reduced or no function in one arm, using the FRIKAR e-bike may require some customization. At present, we do not offer specific adaptations for this, but we aim to explore such possibilities in the future.

While the steering mechanism does not necessarily require the use of both arms, there are challenges related to operating the brakes, and the various functions on the left and right joystick, which serve different roles. Additionally, the opening and closing of the lightweight canopy could pose a challenge for those with limited arm mobility.

Custom Pedals or Pedal Pendulums: If you use special pedals or a pedal pendulum, compatibility with the FRIKAR will depend on the size of the modifications. The pedal pendulum may not fit due to limited clearance inside the vehicle—there’s about 3 cm of clearance on the left side and 2 cm on the right side between the pedal and the panel. However, if both standard pedals are removed, the available clearance increases to approximately 130 mm per side.

For a better understanding, a picture showing the pedals and space between them inside the FRIKAR.

We are committed to considering future modifications and providing options for increased accessibility.